
Is it Time to Touch Up My Tattoo?

Tattoos are permanent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need upkeep. In fact, most tattoo designs will require a touch…

Ancient Greek Tattoo Meanings

For hundreds of years, Greek mythology has inspired art, from literature to paintings. Lately, Greek gods have become…

Compass Tattoo Meanings

When compasses were originally created, they weren’t actually used for spatial navigation. Instead, they were used as…

100 Years Of Ink: Tattoo Fads By The Decade

Tattoos are far from a modern invention – they’ve been around for hundreds of years. Did you know that the first tattoo…

Minimalist Tattoo Meanings

Minimalist tattoos are a growing trend, using crisp black lines, negative space, and sparse colour palettes to convey a…

How to Select a Tattoo Sleeve Design

Tattoo sleeves can be visual masterpieces, but they’re also one of the most difficult projects that a tattoo artist can…

How to Design a Tattoo That Works with Your Scars

Designing a tattoo around your scar can be a challenge. But, it can also make an exceptional and meaningful tattoo…

The Ladies Have Spoken: The Hottest Tattoos for Men

Tattoos are sexy, no matter where they are. GQ published an article on what the women of their office think are the…

Meanings Behind Lightning Tattoos

Lightning is a tell-tale sign that a storm is on the horizon, but when seen in tattoo designs, it can mean much more.…

Pros and Cons of Inner Lip Tattoos

Inner lip tattoos have been a huge trend in tattoos since Miley Cyrus debuted her tiger emoji in 2014. To this day…

Bird Tattoo Meanings

Mankind has always had a special connection to birds. They symbolize many human values, and we’ve even based…

Spellbinding: Witchy Tattoos and What They Mean

Witches got a bad rep hundreds of years ago, so things didn’t go so well for them if they were found out. They would be…