Protecting Your Tattoo From the Sun
Spring is fast approaching: the days are getting longer, and people are showing…
Why Tattoo Ink Turns Green Over Time
We’ve all seen old tattoos that don’t seem to have that onyx color that we’re…
Pregnant and Tattooed: Tips for the Expecting
Tattooed moms are undoubtedly some of the hippest people around. But what…
Does Sex Affect Your Tattoo?
Does sex affect tattoos? Is there any scenario in which having sex could ruin…
Is it Time to Touch Up My Tattoo?
Tattoos are permanent, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need upkeep. In fact,…
Can Bulking Up Affect Your Tattoos?
Your arms are the most susceptible to muscle change, and they’re one of the…
CBD Salves and Healing Tattoos: Do They Work?
CBD products can be life changing depending on how you use them. If you have…
12 Things To Avoid When You Have A Fresh Tattoo
Taking proper care of a fresh tattoo isn’t hard, but there are ways to do it…