A Family Affair: Kate’s Tattoo Journey with Her Husband
Getting a tattoo, especially a large piece like a half-sleeve, is an incredibly sensitive process. This is a work of…
The Ultimate History of Tattoos in America
Buckle up because we have a story for you little one. Today, tattoos are a popular and widely accepted form of…
Protecting Your Tattoo From the Sun
Spring is fast approaching: the days are getting longer, and people are showing more skin. But with the extra sunshine,…
Why Tattoo Composition Matters
The process of designing a tattoo can be one of the most exciting parts of getting a new piece of body art. From…
Post Pandemic Tattoo Planning
During the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, the word “essential” became a refrain we heard all of the time. Anything…
We are Looking for Canadian Retail Investors in Equity CrowdFunding Campaign
Custom Tattoo Design is designing the future of the tattoo industry; creating new technology to improve the customer…
Deep Dive into Stick and Poke Tattoos
Stick and poke tattoos, also called hand-poked tattoos or machine-free tattoos, have been around for a long time. Yet…
Ultimate Guide for Getting Large Tattoos
As tattoos grow ever more popular by the year, it’s become pretty common, even normal, for people to have a tattoo or…
All You Need to Know About Forearm Tattoos
While not the number one (or two) most popular tattoo location for men or women, forearm tattoos are still relatively…
Amazing Neck Tattoos
Of all of the places on your body where you can get a tattoo - which is pretty much all of them - there are few as…
For Investors
Custom Tattoo Design is the world leader in tattoo designs, turning dream tattoo ideas into a reality. Our team of…
Tips for the Best Foot and Ankle Tattoos
There are a lot of considerations and decisions involved in choosing a tattoo. You have to think about design, color,…