
Which Colors Work Best For Tattoos

When investing in a tattoo, there are many factors to consider: the design, the placement and size, the style of tattoo…

Filling in the Gap: 9 Clever Tattoo Sleeve Fillers

When people get tattoo sleeves, there’s a lot of space to fill in. Sometimes, once your main designs are done, there’s…

Animal Tattoo Meanings

Animals have a long history as visual symbols. In fact, since ancient times, mankind has been depicting animals in art…

12 Things To Avoid When You Have A Fresh Tattoo

Taking proper care of a fresh tattoo isn’t hard, but there are ways to do it wrong. While you can do most of the same…

Arrow Tattoo Meanings

Arrow tattoos were originally based on Native American tribal life hundreds of years ago. The arrow represented an…

White Ink Tattoos: Pros and Cons

White ink tattoos are the rare bird of the tattoo world. They’re hard to spot, and they’re notoriously difficult to…

2019 Tattoo Trends in Different Parts of the World

Tattoo trends are constantly changing, with new ones popping up and old ones re-circulating in the tattoo space every…

CBD Salves and Healing Tattoos: Do They Work?

CBD products can be life changing depending on how you use them. If you have skin issues, chronic diseases or pain, or…

Foot Tattoos: What to expect

Thinking of adding a foot tattoo to your collection? We’ve put together some need-to-know info to help you go into the…

Can Bulking Up Affect Your Tattoos?

Your arms are the most susceptible to muscle change, and they’re one of the main parts of your body that you’re likely…

Tattoos For All Ages: Older Folks with Tattoos

Older folks are less likely than younger generations to get flash or one-off tattoos. The decision to be tattooed isn’t…

Turning Gears: A Look at Biomechanical Tattoos

Biomechanical art has traceable origins, and it doesn’t come from a source that you may have guessed. It’s no secret…